In 1999, I was eating dinner at my house one evening. My father called and asked me if I would speak for him that Sunday at Lakewood. In my 36 years, I had never ministered one time before. I didn't have any desire to be in front of people. I liked being behind the scenes. I said, “I’m sorry, Daddy. That’s just not who I am. I’m not a minister.” He laughed and said, “Well, that’s fine, Joel. At least, I wanted to ask you.”
When I sat back down to finish eating my dinner, something said so strongly, “Joel, you need to do it.” It wasn't out loud. It was just an impression, a knowing. I can't explain it. It didn't make sense to my mind. Every voice of reasoning said, “Don’t do it,” but I couldn't get away from it. I called my father back and said I had changed my mind. I ministered for him that next Sunday. What I didn’t realize is that would be the last Sunday of my father’s life.
Friend, when you feel the inner prompting of the Holy Spirit, don't harden your heart. Don’t ignore it. Listen and respond. He knows the future and has your best in mind. Trust Him and listen to His leading!