Monday, January 13, 2014

Complacent or Committed?

'Daniel purposed in his heart...' Daniel 1:8 KJV

The Bible says, 'Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with...the king's meat.' Daniel had settled the issue, before the challenge arose.
Joseph had also decided his values; therefore he was able to say 'no' to Potiphar's wife.
The three Hebrew children already knew what they were going to do, fiery furnace or not: '...Our able to deliver us...and He will...But if not...we do not serve your gods...' (Daniel 3:17-18 NKJV).
What do you believe about God? 
If you think He might fail you, you'll never totally commit yourself to Him. 
Commitment grows! 

You can't make big commitments until you've first made small ones. The three Hebrew children first said 'no' to the king's food; later they were able to say 'no' to worshipping his idols.

You don't get that kind of faith suddenly.
Most of us can look back over the years and identify a point at which our lives changed significantly. Because of a readiness within us, we made a choice that would affect us from that point forward.
But before you can make a real commitment to anything you must overcome three problems:
(1) The security problem. Insecure people fear taking risks. They have a 'Plan B' in case God doesn't come through for them; they depend on themselves rather than on Him.
(2) The success problem. When you've had some success you want to guard it. You want people to continue thinking well of you, so you start living defensively.
(3) The satisfaction problem. The lukewarm Laodicean church said, 'I [have]...increased with goods, and have need of nothing' (Revelation 3:17 KJV)

Soul Food: Lev 21:1 - 23:25, Matt 6:19-24, Ps 71:17-24, Pr 2:3-5

Written by Bob & Debby Gass
Monday, 13 January 2014
APPS available here