Monday, April 28, 2014

The Teacher (2)

'...The Spirit will...make it known to you.' John 16:15 NIV

The Holy Spirit, Who is your Teacher: 
(1) Wants you to search God's Word for answers and direction.  
He doesn't want you to be passive and simply accept whatever comes into your life. He wants you to turn to His Word for insight; to find divine solutions to the human problems confronting you day in and day out. He wants you to stand on His Word instead of lying down and saying, 'I guess this is just the way it's got to be'. 
Your Bible is a road map that will never steer you the wrong way. It's a sword you can fight with, and win every time.
'...Meditate in it day and according to all that is written in it. For then you will... have good success' (Joshua 1:8 NKJV).
(2) Wants you to grow by following in the footsteps of Jesus. 
The word 'disciple' is our translation of the Greek word mathetes, which means 'a learner or student'. In Jesus' day, disciples not only learned from the teacher's lectures, but also by observing and experiencing every aspect of the teacher's life. That's how Jesus trained His twelve disciples. And finally the time came when
He could say to them,'The works that I do shall [you] do also' (John 14:12 KJV)
Peter, James and John, 'the inner circle', had a more intimate relationship with Christ. That was not because He loved them more, but that He had a particular plan in mind for them. 
What's God's plan for you? 
That's what the battle in your life is about. Satan will do all he can to put distance between you and God. Don't let him!
Soul Food: Acts 22-23, Mark 2:13-22, Ps 144:9-15, Pro 11:12-13

Written by Bob & Debby Gass
Monday, 28 April 2014